
Supplier selection in a food industry

Abstract: In this supplier selection problem, the aim is to select a vendor to supply packaging material for a food industry in Brazil. The alternatives of the problem are five potential suppliers pre approved by the company. These alternatives are evaluated with respect to seven criteria: price of the material, reliability of the freight, accuracy of the deliveries, quality of the material, promptness of the deliveries, flexibility of the vendor and lead time.

Frej, E.A., Roselli, L.R.P., de Almeida, J.A., de Almeida, A.T.: A Multicriteria Decision Model for Supplier Selection in a Food Industry Based on FITradeoff Method. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2017, 1-9 (2017). doi: 10.1155/2017/4541914

Healthcare facility location – La Citta Della Salute

Abstract: La Citta Della Salute is a project in the city of Milan, Italy, that aims at relocating two existing hospitals in a unique pole focused and specialized on research, teaching, science and training, and also able to meet new health demands of the population. Six potential areas in the city of Milan were proposed for siting the new hospital. These areas were evaluated with respect to sixteen criteria, divided into four key dimensions: functional, location, environmental and economic.

Dell’Ovo, M., Frej, E. A., Oppio, A., Capolongo, S., Morais, D. C., & de Almeida, A. T. Multicriteria Decision Making for Healthcare Facilities Location with Visualization Based on FITradeoff Method. In: Linden, I., Liu, C., Colot, C. Decision Support Systems VII. Data, Information and Knowledge Visualization in Decision Support Systems. LNBIP 282, pp. 32-44. Springer, Cham. (2017) doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-57487-5_3